
Saturday, February 2, 2013

SPSC Past Paper Solved

1- what plants exhale at night


2- velocity of sound m/s


3-which vitamins not stored in
human body?


4- lake of vitamin c create which disease

skin desease

5-which vitamin help blood clotting?


6- founder of muslim rule in india?

qutubuddin abek

7- razia sultana belong to?


8- second battle of panipat fought b/w

correct option was not present my answer was none of these(akbar vs himu bakal)

9- attock fort was constructed by

10- mancher lake situated in ?


11- pakistan number among world population?


12- share of punjab among area of pakistan


13- length of khyber pass

14- urinium resources found in pakistan?
D G khan

15- mostly part of gobi desert found in ?

16- taklamakan desert found in
xinjaning china

17- longest river of the world is ?

18- largest sea of the world ?
south china sea

19-largest coastal boundry country?

20- brazil situated in ?
south america

21-which country is peninsula?
saudi arabia

22- pakistan situates on which line?
1- equator 2- cancer 3- inecapricorn 4- none
correet answer is option 4

23- macmohan line is situated b/w ?
india and china

24- who is david patrias?
american general in afghanistan

25- 1 meter is equal to ?
3.28 foot

26- caspian sea makes his boundries with
Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan.

27- largest agency among area in pakistan?
south wazirastan

28- old name of iraq?

29-blood is red due to ?

30-marian trence situated near?

31- headquarter of ghandhara civilization is?
32- head quarter of saarc is situated at?
33- maximum wool produceing country is?
34- official religion of japan is ?
35- which element use for producing nuclear fuel?
36- who many rakkhu in 30 paraa of quran
37-which is less conducter
1- iron, 2-copper 3- silver 4- wood
my answer was wood but not satisfied
38-nigara fall lies b/w
u.s.a and canida
39- which is smallest country of world among area
1- maldeeve 2- malta 3- san marino 4- bahreen
corect answer is option 3 san marino

40-holy prophet pbuh appoited governer of yeman for collection zakat?
hazrat muaz bin jabal

41- who many times zakat mention in quran?
32 times

42-which sura gives details among zakat receiver?
sura tuba

43-where ist wahii nazall hoe?
ghari hira

44- when zakat declered must
2 hijra

45-light of sun reach in earth
8.5 mint( while other options was 3mint 4mint 6.5 mint)

46- headquarter of ILO situated in ?

47- muslim league name was purposed by?
nawab saleem ullah khan of dahaka

48- juandice is disturb of which
part of body

49- quaid azam leave congress due to
non- coperative moment by gandhi

50-in hapatiets which organ disturb

51- nisab in the amount of gold
87.48 gram( but in paper there was not dot present b/w 87 and48)

52- nisab in silver is?
612.32 gram

53-produce which is equal to nisab?
948kg wheat or equal

54-if a person having millat1800kg whose prize is half among wheat who many rupees he pay zakat

55-who was Father of the French Revolution?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau -

56-statue of freedom in newyark is given by

wall street is a famous?
stock market in newyork

58- sunlight consist of colours
a-1 b- 3 c-7( not confarm waiting for reply)

59-theory of relativety is presented by?

60- cash crop is?
which not cultivated for own use

61-artificial cultivated area give amount ushr equal to

62- if a person obtained something from underground the amount of zakat aplicable

63-zakat among goat aplicable on
40 goats

64- amount of zakat among gold silver and similar things
2.5 %

65- a government company obtained 1 billion net profit tell who much rupees its gives as a zakat

66-zakat ordinance promulgated on
20 june 1980

67-according to section17 tauluqa committe is equal to
tehsil commiitte

68- dasman palace is residence of
ameer kwait
69-procelain tower is present in

70- which muslim organization founded in 1962
Rabita al-Alam al-Islami

71- crtography is the study of
secret writting

72-founder of souct momemt
Robert Baden-Powell

73- elysee palace is the residence of
french president

74- second largest population in afghanistan?

75-worldwide spread disease is called?

76- zakat year start on
according to hijra clender

77- zakat year end ?
30 shaban
78- governer appointe chief administer with the consult with
federal government
79- administerator general appointed by

80- The magnitude of earthquake is measured with?
Richter Scale

81- Who forwarded the Lahore(Pakistan) Resolution?
A.K fazlul haq

82- East India Company came to India in the reign of:
A)Shah Jahan B) Jahangir C) Aurangzeb D) Babar

83- The largest Muslim country according to area is?

84- Zakat can be spent on:A)
Travelers B) Slaves C) Masakin D)All of these

85- Zakat is exempted on:
A)Sheep grazing fed free in pastures B) Fruits C) Vegetables D) All of them

86- Who was known as the Man of Destiny?
nepolin bona part

87- Adam's Peak is in?
sri lanka

88- According to the Zakat Ordinance Zakat arrears are collected by?

89- Red Cross/Crescent HQ is in?

90-Brain Drain
transfer of Skilled labors

91--light year complete direction in
1 year

92--musician of antham is
Ahmed gulami chagla

93- first ushr receive ?
1982-83 rabi crop

94-DZ committe disolved if
]member remain not pious

95- if a person failed to pay zakat what act can do?
send a notice

Friday, February 1, 2013

Scientific studies of various fields

acarology-- study of mites
accidence-- grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
aceology-- therapeutics
acology -- study of medical remedies
acoustics -- science of sound
adenology -- study of glands
aedoeology -- science of generative organs
aerobiology -- study of airborne organisms
aerodonetics-- science or study of gliding
aerodynamics -- dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
bacteriology -- study of bacteria
balneology -- the science of the therapeutic use of baths
barodynamics-- science of the support and mechanics of bridges
barology-- study of gravitation
batology-- the study of brambles
bibliology-- study of books
bibliotics-- study of documents to determine authenticity
bioecology-- study of interaction of life in the environment
biology -- study of life
biometrics-- study of biological measurement
bionomics-- study of organisms interacting in their environments
botany-- study of plants
bromatology -- study of food
brontology -- scientific study of thunder
campanology-- the art of bell ringing
carcinology-- study of crabs and other crustaceans
cardiology-- study of the heart
caricology-- study of sedges
carpology -- study of fruit
cartography -- the science of making maps and globes
cartophily-- the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
castrametation -- the art of designing a camp
catacoustics--science of echoes or reflected sounds
catalactics-- science of commercial exchange
catechectics -- the art of teaching by question and answer
cetology -- study of whales and dolphins
chalcography-- the art of engraving on copper or brass
chalcotriptics-- art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
chaology -- the study of chaos or chaos theory
characterology -- study of development of character
chemistry-- study of properties of substances
chirocosmetics-- beautifying the hands; art of manicure
diabology-- study of devils
diagraphics-- art of making diagrams or drawings
dialectology -- study of dialects
dioptrics -- study of light refraction
diplomatics -- science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
diplomatology-- study of diplomats
docimology-- the art of assaying
dosiology-- the study of doses
dramaturgy -- art of producing and staging dramatic works

E to I

Egyptology-- study of ancient Egypt
ekistics-- study of human settlement
electrochemistry-- study of relations between electricity and chemicals
electrology -- study of electricity
electrostatics-- study of static electricity
embryology-- study of embryos
emetology -- study of vomiting
emmenology -- the study of menstruation
endemiology-- study of local diseases
endocrinology-- study of glands
enigmatology-- study of enigmas
entomology-- study of insects
entozoology-- study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
enzymology-- study of enzymes
ephebiatrics-- branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
epidemiology-- study of diseases; epidemics
fluviology -- study of watercourses
folkloristics-- study of folklore and fables
futurology-- study of future
garbology-- study of garbage
gastroenterology -- study of stomach; intestines
gastronomy-- study of fine dining
gemmology-- study of gems and jewels
genealogy-- study of descent of families
genesiology-- study of reproduction and heredity
genethlialogy-- the art of casting horoscopes
geochemistry-- study of chemistry of the earth's crust
geochronology--- study of measuring geological time
geogeny-- science of the formation of the earth's crust
geogony-- study of formation of the earth
geography-- study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
geology -- study of earth's crust
geomorphogeny-- study of the origins of land forms
geoponics-- study of Agriculture
hydrography-- study of investigating bodies of water
hydrokinetics-- study of motion of fluids
hydrology-- study of water resources
hydrometeorology-- study of atmospheric moisture
hydropathy -- study of treating diseases with water
hyetology-- science of rainfall
hygiastics -- science of health and hygiene
hygienics-- study of sanitation; health
hygiology-- hygienics; study of cleanliness
hygrology-- study of humidity
hygrometry -- science of humidity
hymnography-- study of writing hymns
hymnology -- study of hymns
hypnology-- study of sleep; study of hypnosis
hypsography-- science of measuring heights
iamatology -- study of remedies
iatrology-- treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
iatromathematics-- archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
ichnography-- art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
ichnology-- science of fossilized footprints
ichthyology-- study of Fish
iconography-- study of drawing symbols
iconology-- study of icons; symbols
ideogeny-- study of origins of ideas
ideology -- science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
idiomology-- study of idiom, jargon or dialect
idiopsychology-- psychology of one's own mind
immunogenetics-- study of genetic characteristics of immunity
immunology-- study of immunity
immunopathology-- study of immunity to disease
insectology -- study of insects
irenology -- the study of peace

K to O

koniology -- study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
ktenology -- science of putting people to death
kymatology -- study of wave motion
labeorphily-- collection and study of beer bottle labels
larithmics-- study of population statistics
laryngology -- study of larynx
lepidopterology -- study of butterflies and moths
leprology-- study of leprosy
lexicology -- study of words and their meanings
lexigraphy-- art of definition of words
lichenology -- study of lichens
limacology-- study of slugs
limnobiology-- study of freshwater ecosystems
limnology -- study of bodies of fresh water
linguistics -- study of language
lithology-- malariology study of malaria
mammalogy-- study of mammals
manège-- the art of horsemanship
Mariology-- study of the Virgin Mary
martyrology-- study of martyrs
mastology-- study of mammals
mathematics-- study of magnitude, number, and forms
mazology-- mammalogy; study of mammals
mechanics -- study of action of force on bodies
meconology-- study of or treatise concerning opium
melittology -- study of bees
mereology-- study of part-whole relationships
mesology -- ecology
metallogeny-- study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
metallography-- study of the structure and constitution of metals
metallurgy-- study of alloying and treating metals
nidology -- study of nests
nomology-- the science of the laws; especially of the mind
noology-- science of the intellect
nosology -- study of diseases
nostology-- study of senility
notaphily-- collecting of bank-notes and cheques
numerology -- study of numbers
numismatics-- study of coins
nymphology-- study of nymphs
obstetrics-- study of midwifery
oceanography-- study of oceans
oceanology -- study of oceans
odology -- science of the hypothetical mystical force of od
odontology-- study of teeth
oenology-- study of wines
oikology -- science of housekeeping
olfactology-- study of the sense of smell
ombrology -- study of rain
oncology -- study of tumours
oneirology -- study of dreams
orthography-- study of spelling
orthopterology-- study of cockroaches
oryctology -- mineralogy or paleontology
osmics-- scientific study of smells
osmology-- study of smells and olfactory processes
osphresiology-- study of the sense of smell
osteology -- study of bones
otology -- study of the ear
otorhinolaryngology-- study of ear, nose and throat

P to T

paedology-- study of children
paedotrophy-- art of rearing children
paidonosology-- study of children's diseases; pediatrics
palaeoanthropology-- study of early humans
palaeobiology -- study of fossil plants and animals
palaeoclimatology-- study of ancient climates
palaeolimnology-- study of ancient Fish
palaeolimnology-- study of ancient lakes
palaeontology-- study of fossils
philately-- study of postage stamps
philematology -- the act or study of kissing
phillumeny-- collecting of matchbox labels
philology -- study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
philosophy-- science of knowledge or wisdom
phoniatrics -- study and correction of speech defects
phonology -- study of speech sounds
psychology-- study of mind
psychopathology-- study of mental illness
psychophysics-- study of link between mental and physical processes
pteridology -- study of ferns
pterylology -- study of distribution of feathers on birds
pyretology -- study of fevers
pyrgology -- study of towers
pyroballogy-- study of artillery
pyrography-- study of woodburning
quinology -- study of quinine
raciology-- study of racial differences
radiology-- study of X-rays and their medical applications
reflexology-- study of reflexes
rhabdology -- knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
rhabdology -- art of calculating using numbering rods
rheology -- science of the deformation or flow of matter
rheumatology-- study of rheumatism
rhinology-- study of the nose
rhochrematics-- science of inventory management and the movement of products
runology -- study of runes
sarcology-- study of fleshy parts of the body
satanology -- study of the devil
scatology-- study of excrement or obscene literature
schematonics-- art of using gesture to express tones
sciagraphy-- art of shading
scripophily -- collection of bond and share certificates
sedimentology -- study of sediment
seismology -- study of earthquakes
selenodesy-- study of the shape and features of the moon
selenology-- study of the moon
semantics -- study of meaning
semantology-- science of meanings of words
semasiology-- study of meaning; semantics
topology-- study of places and their natural features
toponymics-- study of place-names
toreutics -- study of artistic work in metal
toxicology -- study of poisons
toxophily -- love of archery; archery; study of archery
traumatology-- study of wounds and their effects
tribology -- study of friction and wear between surfaces
trichology-- study of hair and its disorders
trophology-- study of nutrition
tsiganology-- study of gypsies
turnery-- art of turning in a lathe
typhlology-- study of blindness and the blind
typography-- art of printing or using type
typology-- study of types of things

U to Z

ufology-- study of alien spacecraft
uranography-- descriptive astronomy and mapping
uranology-- study of the heavens; astronomy
urbanology-- study of cities
urenology-- study of rust molds
urology -- study of urine; urinary tract
venereology-- study of venereal disease
vermeology-- study of worms
vexillology-- study of flags
victimology-- study of victims
vinology -- scientific study of vines and winemaking
virology-- study of viruses
vitrics-- glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware
volcanology -- study of volcanoes
vulcanology-- study of volcanoes
xylography-- art of engraving on wood
xylology -- study of wood
zenography-- study of the planet Jupiter
zoiatrics-- veterinary surgery
zooarchaeology-- study of animal remains of archaeological sites
zoochemistry-- chemistry of animals
zoogeography-- study of geographic distribution of animals
zoogeology -- study of fossil animal remains
zoology-- study of animals
zoonomy-- animal physiology
zoonosology-- study of animal diseases
zoopathology-- study of animal diseases
zoophysics-- physics of animal bodies
zoophysiology -- study of physiology of animals
zoophytology-- study of plant-like animals
zoosemiotics-- study of animal communication
zootaxy-- science of classifying animals
zootechnics-- science of breeding animals
zygology -- science of joining and fastening
zymology -- science of fermentation
zymurgy-- branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling

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99 names of Allah with meanings

1 Allah (الله) The Greatest Name
2 Ar-Rahman (
الرحمن) The All-Compassionate
3 Ar-Rahim (
الرحيم) The All-Merciful
4 Al-Malik (
الملك) The Absolute Ruler
5 Al-Quddus (
القدوس) The Pure One
6 As-Salam (
السلام) The Source of Peace
7 Al-Mu'min (
المؤمن) The Inspirer of Faith
8 Al-Muhaymin (
المهيمن) The Guardian
9 Al-Aziz (
العزيز) The Victorious
10 Al-Jabbar (
الجبار) The Compeller
11 Al-Mutakabbir (
المتكبر) The Greatest
12 Al-Khaliq (
الخالق) The Creator
13 Al-Bari' (
البارئ) The Maker of Order
14 Al-Musawwir (
المصور) The Shaper of Beauty
15 Al-Ghaffar (
الغفار) The Forgiving
16 Al-Qahhar (
القهار) The Subduer
17 Al-Wahhab (
الوهاب) The Giver of All
18 Ar-Razzaq (
الرزاق) The Sustainer
19 Al-Fattah (
الفتاح) The Opener
20 Al-`Alim (
العليم) The Knower of All
21 Al-Qabid (
القابض) The Constrictor
22 Al-Basit (
الباسط) The Reliever
23 Al-Khafid (
الخافض) The Abaser
24 Ar-Rafi (
الرافع) The Exalter
25 Al-Mu'izz (
المعز) The Bestower of Honors
26 Al-Mudhill (
المذل) The Humiliator
27 As-Sami (
السميع) The Hearer of All
28 Al-Basir (
البصير) The Seer of All
29 Al-Hakam (
الحكم) The Judge One
30 Al-`Adl (
العدل) The Just
31 Al-Latif (
اللطيف) The Subtle One
32 Al-Khabir (
الخبير) The All-Aware
33 Al-Halim (
الحليم) The Forbearing
34 Al-Azim (
العظيم) The Magnificent
35 Al-Ghafur (
الغفور) The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
36 Ash-Shakur (
الشكور) The Rewarder of Thankfulness
37 Al-Ali (
العلى) The Highest
38 Al-Kabir (
الكبير) The Greatest
39 Al-Hafiz (
الحفيظ) The Preserver
40 Al-Muqit (
المقيت) The Nourisher
41 Al-Hasib (
الحسيب) The Accounter
42 Al-Jalil (
الجليل) The Mighty
43 Al-Karim (
الكريم) The Generous
44 Ar-Raqib (
الرقيب) The Watchful One
45 Al-Mujib (
المجيب) The Responder to Prayer
46 Al-Wasi (
الواسع) The All-Comprehending
47 Al-Hakim (
الحكيم) The Perfectly Wise
48 Al-Wadud (
الودود) The Loving One
49 Al-Majid (
المجيد) The Majestic One
50 Al-Ba'ith (
الباعث) The Resurrector
51 Ash-Shahid (
الشهيد) The Witness
52 Al-Haqq (
الحق) The Truth
53 Al-Wakil (
الوكيل) The Trustee
54 Al-Qawiyy (
القوى) The Possessor of All Strength
55 Al-Matin (
المتين) The Forceful One
56 Al-Waliyy (
الولى) The Governor
57 Al-Hamid (
الحميد) The Praised One
58 Al-Muhsi (
المحصى) The Appraiser
59 Al-Mubdi' (
المبدئ) The Originator
60 Al-Mu'id (
المعيد) The Restorer
61 Al-Muhyi (
المحيى) The Giver of Life
62 Al-Mumit (
المميت) The Taker of Life
63 Al-Hayy (
الحي) The Ever Living One
64 Al-Qayyum (
القيوم) The Self-Existing One 65 Al-Wajid (الواجد) The Finder
66 Al-Majid (
الماجد) The Glorious
67 Al-Wahid (
الواحد) The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible
68 As-Samad (
الصمد) The Satisfier of All Needs
69 Al-Qadir (
القادر) The All Powerful
70 Al-Muqtadir (
المقتدر) The Creator of All Power
71 Al-Muqaddim (
المقدم) The Expediter
72 Al-Mu'akhkhir (
المؤخر) The Delayer
73 Al-Awwal (
الأول) The First
74 Al-Akhir (
الأخر) The Last
75 Az-Zahir (
الظاهر) The Manifest One
76 Al-Batin (
الباطن) The Hidden One
77 Al-Wali (
الوالي) The Protecting Friend
78 Al-Muta'ali (
المتعالي) The Supreme One
79 Al-Barr (
البر) The Doer of Good
80 At-Tawwab (
التواب) The Guide to Repentance
81 Al-Muntaqim (
المنتقم) The Avenger
82 Al-'Afuww (
العفو) The Forgiver
83 Ar-Ra'uf (
الرؤوف) The Clement
84 Malik-al-Mulk (
مالك الملك) The Owner of All
85 Dhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram (
ذو الجلال و الإكرام) The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
86 Al-Muqsit (
المقسط) The Equitable One
87 Al-Jami' (
الجامع) The Gatherer
88 Al-Ghani (
الغنى) The Rich One
89 Al-Mughni (
المغنى) The Enricher
90 Al-Mani'(
المانع) The Preventer of Harm
91 Ad-Darr (
الضار) The Creator of The Harmful
92 An-Nafi' (
النافع) The Creator of Good
93 An-Nur (
النور) The Light
94 Al-Hadi (
الهادي) The Guide
95 Al-Badi (
البديع) The Originator
96 Al-Baqi (
الباقي) The Everlasting One
97 Al-Warith (
الوارث) The Inheritor of All
98 Ar-Rashid (
الرشيد) The Righteous Teacher
99 As-Sabur (
الصبور) The Patient One